The concealed-fix Roofing system was developed to accommodate the effect of thermal expansion and contraction of Roofing Sheets under extremes of temperature and to provide a watertight low pitch roof in heavy tropical storms. It is a modern development of the “Standing Seam” roofing used successfully throughout the world for generations. The Concealed-fix system has been on the South African market since 1964. Over the years it has earned an excellent reputation and enjoys a high acceptance amongst Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Engineers and Contractors.
The concealed-fix system, Klip-Tite™ the latest development in 2013, is the most highly specified proprietary roof system presently available in South Africa.
The upstanding ribs and flat base of the profile provide opportunities for a variety of architectural treatments. The profile is strong due to the depth and rigidity of the ribs. Klip-Tite™ and Klip-Lok™ are offered in several conventional and other materials to meet the various requirements of long life, aesthetic appeal and resistance to environmental corrosion.
The system of fixing the Klip-Tite™ and Klip-Lok™ roof sheets to the roof structure utilizing concealed clips is relatively uncomplicated provided that the laid down erection procedures of the KL700 Plus clip are followed.
The concealed clip system of fixing means that the sheet is not holed by main fixings. The deep vertical ribs and 233mm broad pans increase water-carrying capacity and rapid run-off. The profile geometry is such that deflection under load is reduced allowing flat pitches. No end laps are required.
The Klip-Tite™ and Klip-Lok™ sheet’s greater water capacity and concealed fixing system (no holes through sheeting) allow the sheet to be used on very flat pitched roofs, thereby reducing roof structure costs to a point where it becomes the most economical roofing system on the market.
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GRS introduced IBR (Inverted Box Rib) sheeting in 1958 to the South African market which was followed by Brownbuilt™, the first concealed-fix profile in 1964. The entrepreneurial spirit of being first in the marketplace resulted in many products to follow. The extensive range of production capacity and mobile mills to produce long sheets to any length on-site is testimony to this business philosophy.
Presently, the flagship products of Klip-Lok 700™ and Klip-Tite™ followed the success achieved with Klip-Lok 406™, which was the first clip-on concealed fix sheet to be produced in South Africa. This was achieved by introducing ductile high-yield steel to the sheeting market. The technology allowed for savings all around as thinner sheets could be used to achieve the same spanning capacity as commercial quality sheeting. Furthermore, the strength of the steel and clip-on ability allowed for easier handling increased trafficability and ease of installation as the need to mechanically interlock adjacent sheets was eliminated.
The drive to constantly improve led to the introduction of Klip-Lok 700™ which offers the same attributes as Klip-Lok 406™ with the advantage of a 700mm wide cover width. This allows for quicker installation as more square metres can be installed with the same resources. The drive for improvement coupled with in-house research and development resulted in the introduction of Klip-Tite™. Transverse pan stiffeners were introduced to act as beams between narrow flutes to minimize the bowing of the pans and keep the sheet attached to the concealed fix clips during windstorms. Higher wind uplift forces can thus be resisted by using the Klip-Tite™ system.
An added advantage of forming transverse stiffeners is that the pans of the sheets are flattened, resulting in less bowing than when longitudinal pan stiffeners are used. Successful roll-forming of Klip-Tite™ to ensure tight tolerances when steel strip is being formed in two directions would not be possible without the technology being applied. The two components of the concealed fix system need to be in balance and the reason why both are developed and manufactured in-house. Improvements to the concealed fix clip have also been made to ensure it can be used on new building systems.
Our concealed fix clip is also the only one in the market to cover the full width of the sheet and act as a template indicating the fixing point for the following clip which assists the installer and eases accurate installation.